Friday, May 8, 2009

Brazil comes to St. George, Utah!

The Made in Brazil Steakhouse offers a buffet style cuisine in an elegant atmosphere. We provide an array of 12 different styles of meat, all cooked over a mesquite charcoal pit. Besides the meats, we also offer a salad bar full of warm Brazilian style dishes. And the best part is you can eat as much as you like!


  1. Olá
    Somos um grupo seletivo de atletas máster de vôlei que vem, desde 1997, defendendo o Brasil em diversas competições internacionais.
    Sempre quando viajamos não deixamos de degustar o delicioso churrasco brasileiro, levando conosco sempre colegas de outras nacionalidades para conhecer o famoso Brazilian Steak House
    Estaremos novamente agora em outubro em St. George participando do Huntsman World Sênior Games com a Equipe Brasileira convidada especial pelo Global Cup.
    Estamos buscando um pequeno apoio do Made in Brazil Steakhouse, no sentido de nos fornecer as os agasalhos para os jogos, onde sua Marca estampada será divulgada pelo período do evento. Poderemos distribuir folders e ou pequenos gifts do patrocinador para grande número dos participantes de diferentes países. Entre no site
    O custo de cada agasalho será de R$100,00 ou em torno de $50USD num total de 12 agasalhos.
    Gostaríamos de um contato aqui no Brasil e um Endereço de Email para que possamos enviar fotos da Equipe.
    Estaremos aguardando ansiosamente um parecer. Atenciosamente
    M. Cristina Lajusticia
    55.11.30224343 / 99719723

  2. Hello
    We are a selective group of athletes master volleyball coming since 1997, defending Brazil in several international competitions.
    Whenever we travel we do not stop to taste the delicious Brazilian barbecue, taking us where colleagues from other countries to meet the famous Brazilian Steak House
    We will now again in October by participating in St. George Huntsman World Senior Games with the Brazilian team special guest by the Global Cup
    We are seeking a little support from Made in Brazil Steakhouse, to provide us with the jerseys to the games, where its printed mark will be made for the event. We distribute leaflets and small gifts or sponsor for a large number of participants from different countries. Among the site
    The cost of each sweater will be $ 100.00 or about $ 50USD for a total of 12 coats.
    We would like to contact here in Brazil and an Email address so we can send photos of the team.
    We will be looking forward to an opinion. Regards
    M. Cristina Lajusticia
    55.11.30224343 / 99719723

  3. M. Cristina Lajusticia

    Thank you for your posts to our blog. Will you please provide us with an email address so that we can directly correspond with you.

    Thank you,
    Made in Brazil Steakhouse
